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11 Days | Legendary Danube with Prague


Day 1 | Prague, Czech Republic. Arrive in Prague and transfer to your hotel.

Day 2 | Prague. Your morning tour reveals all the fairytale beauty of “The City of a Hundred Spires,” starting with the Prague Castle, the world’s largest ancient castle. The castle grounds are dominated by the monumental St. Vitus Cathedral—taking 600 years to complete. Guided around the castle grounds, you’ll see numerous gardens, residences and even a vineyard. From the castle, walk along the 14th-century pedestrian-only Charles Bridge to the historic old city center, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Old Town Square dates back to the 12th century, and is silhouetted by the fabled Týn Cathedral with its iconic Gothic twin towers that can be seen from all over Prague. Dominating the square is the Gothic Old Town Hall, home to the world-famous medieval astronomical clock the third-oldest astronomical clock in the world.

Day 3 | Prague. Spend a day at your leisure. Wander through the city admiring its diversity of architectural styles: Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo and Art Nouveau. Meander through its colorful local markets or simply relax in a café to enjoy the many famous Czech beers. (B)

Day 4 | Prague. Pilzen. Nuremberg, Germany. Embark. Depart from Prague via motorcoach and enjoy a stop in Pilzen. After a local highlights tour, drive to Nuremberg where you will board your ship. (B,D)

Day 5 | Nuremberg. You have two choices of excursions while in Nuremberg: one focusing on the medieval highlights and another focusing WWII. Enjoy a guided tour through this beautiful medieval city, showcasing the Imperial Castle, famous town wall and the legendary fountain of the Market Square. Or turn back the pages of a darker history with a guided tour of the city’s most important WWII sites, including the enormous Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds. You’ll also visit the Nuremberg Trials Memoriam, and Courtroom 600 if the courtroom is not in session. En route to Regensburg, you’ll cruise through the manmade marvel, the Main-Danube Canal. (B,L,D)

Day 6 | Regensburg. Explore one of Germany’s best preserved medieval cities Regensburg on a guided walking tour showcasing the city’s architectural highlights, including the Old Town Hall and the Porta Praetoria. Alternatively, sample some Bavarian specialties—beer, sausage and pretzels, and for those who wish to be more active, join a bike tour to Walhalla where you will see the Neoclassical white marble temple inspired by the Parthenon in Athens. (B,L,D)

Day 7 | Passau. Linz, Austria. Enjoy a walking tour along Passau's cobblestone streets admiring the Gothic and Italian Baroque architecture and St. Stephen’s Cathedral. For guests looking for a more active morning, you can choose between a guided bike tour along the Danube River, or a guided hike up to the Veste Oberhaus Fortress for panoramic views overlooking three rivers. Later in the day, set sail for Linz. (B,L,D)

Day 8 | Melk. Wachau Valley. Vienna. Cruise to Melk, known for its magnificent Benedictine Abbey, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of Europe’s largest and most revered monasteries. Alternatively, you can join a guided bike tour that takes you through the UNESCO-designated Wachau Valley; or go on a walking tour along Dürnstein's cobblestone streets to the Baroque Stiftskirche, famed church tower. Later in the day, set sail through the vineyard-rich Wachau Valley. (B,L,D)

Day 9 | Vienna. The “City of Waltzes” offers a treasure trove of gems and you have two ways to discover them. Join a city tour showcasing its regal splendors, including the majestic Opera House and the former Imperial Palace of the Habsburgs before concluding in Vienna’s historic city center, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and then visiting St. Stephen’s Cathedral. For a more active exploration of the area, take a guided bike ride along the Danube. During the afternoon, you can enjoy leisure time or pedal your way to Klosterneuburg Monastery on a guided cycling tour. (B,L,D)

Day 10 | Budapest, Hungary. You cannot help but fall in love with Budapest, known as the “Queen of the Danube.” Your city tour begins with visit to the vibrant Great Market Hall brimming with vendors selling everything from food to souvenirs. The remainder of this tour takes you to both the Buda (hilly) and the Pest (flat) sides of the river. As an alternative choice, hike up to Castle Hill for breathtaking views of the city below. Spend your last evening on board cruising around the famed Parliament Building as the city turns on all her dazzling lights. (B,L,D)

Day 11 | Budapest. Disembark. Bid farewell to Budapest as you prepare for your flight home. (B)

NOTE: Itinerary is subject to change without notice. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the itinerary schedule you receive with your final documents.

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